  1.  46
    Poetry and the Visual Arts.R. J. Ling - 1983 - The Classical Review 33 (02):294-.
  2.  41
    Pausanias and the Stymphalian Birds.R. J. Ling - 1973 - Classical Quarterly 23 (1):152-157.
    ‘In Stymphalos there is also an old sanctuary of Stymphalian Artemis. The image is of wood, mostly gilded. On the roof of the temple there are also representations of the Stymphalian birds. It was difficult to discern clearly whether they were made of wood or plaster, but my examination suggested that they were of wood rather than plaster.’Pausanias' reference to the Stymphalian birds of the temple at Stymphalos was taken by the German scholar, Bliimner, to indicate that stucco reliefs were (...)
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  3.  74
    K. Gaiser: Das Philosophenmosaik in Neapel. Eine Darstellung der platonischen Akademie. (Abhandlungen der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-historische Klasse.) Pp. 132; colour frontispiece, 8 plates. Heidelberg: Carl Winter, 1980. Paper. [REVIEW]R. J. Ling - 1981 - The Classical Review 31 (2):322-322.
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  4.  68
    Marie-Henriette Quet: La Mosaïque cosmologique de Mérida. Propositions de lecture. .) Pp. 278; 16 plates . Paris: E. De Boccard, 1981. Paper. [REVIEW]R. J. Ling - 1983 - The Classical Review 33 (2):368-368.
  5.  57
    I. A. Richmond: Trajan's Army on Trajan's Column. Pp. x + 56; 24 plates, 2 text-figures. London: The British School at Rome, 1982. Paper, £6.50 , £8.50. [REVIEW]R. J. Ling - 1983 - The Classical Review 33 (2):367-367.
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  6.  37
    Roman Houses A. G. McKay: Houses, Villas and Palaces in the Roman World. Pp. 288; 77 line-drawings, 76 plates. London: Thames & Hudson, 1975. Cloth, £8. [REVIEW]R. J. Ling - 1978 - The Classical Review 28 (01):124-126.
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